E-A-T, More Than Food – It’s Visibility!

E-A-T is more than what we do at a meal. Expertise, Authority & Trust are key elements that Google takes into consideration when ranking a website.

Trust. It’s a little word that has big implications, no matter where it is used. You trust that the cars with the red light will stop. You trust that your life jacket will safely keep you above water. We trust each other, as partners, as friends, as business owners in the business community. Google relies on trust as well, and we’re going to dive into three elements they look at to see if your website is trustworthy.

Google actually has people that look at websites for quality. These people aren’t looking at just technical aspects, they are looking at Engagement, Authority, and Trust.


An expert is defined as someone who is very knowledgeable or skillful in a particular area. Is the content that you have on your website high quality and informative, or do you cover the basics with 3 short sentences?

If you are blogging, are you creating great content that your audience loves? If you are answering questions about the products/services you offer, do you know what your customer is wanting to know? And, do you exceed their needs?


In the business world, being an authority means that you’re a leader in your field. Google looks at the individual pages of your website to see if they provide information that shows that you’re a leader.

What sites are linking back to your website? And are they linking just to the home page or to the pages and articles deep within? Do you get mentions in the news or publish a press release when there’s big news? Is your content being shared across social media?

Additionally, it looks at your whole site to see how long it’s been up, what kind of backlinks you have, engagement, and reviews around the online world.


Think of someone or a business that has a stellar reputation. What qualities do they have? They are trustworthy, they take care to make sure that everything they do is the best possible, they are transparent. Translate this to your website…

Have your contact information on the website and, if needed, terms or privacy policy pages. Have a page that talks about the company — who are you, and who is on your team. Include reviews on your website.

Carry your reputation to social media. Provide expert information on the channels you are active on. Encourage reviews, and, if you get a negative review, take the time to respond to it so the online world can see that you care about customer service.

Putting “touchy-feely” to work

You’ll see the E-A-T acronym passed around SEO conversions, and it is these three — Expertise, Authority, and Trust that work together and, to a degree, separate from all the geekier technical things.

In short — pull out those white gloves that you use with your customers when they walk in the door and make sure they are sparkling across your website and your engagement throughout the online world. Be completely focused on providing a great experience to everyone that comes to your website or is in contact with you on social media.

The result is that your trust factor online will grow… and so will your visibility on Google!


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