A Leaner Website – Boys & Girls Club of the Rogue Valley

Boys & Girls Club of the Rogue Valley

The Boys & Girls Club of the Rogue Valley serves children & youth in Grants Pass, Talent & Cave Junction Oregon.

The Challenge

We have supported the Boys & Girls Club of the Rogue Valley since 2013, and their website has seen several reorganizations and upgrades. The challenge that we faced every time was the amount of diversified information that needed to be easily accessible to the public and easy to update on the admin side.

We held a number of strategy sessions with their team to decide the flow and organization that was needed to bring their site current. In an effort to clean much of the old baggage that was carried through the years we started with a clean slate & created a new sitemap and user flow with the focus of implementing the things that they could see from the public interaction. We worked in partnership with them to bridge the budget. They managed the content & page build-out while we focused on the design & structure of the site.

The Outcome

The result of the new site has been a much leaner, cleaner website with information easy to get to and easy to update.

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