Postural Restoration Physical Therapy
AlignMend specializes in postural restoration physical therapy, a movement-based approach that goes beyond treating pain or dysfunction. Paige helps people uncover what’s really going on beneath the surface by examining how the body processes movement and sensation. Instead of just addressing symptoms, she identifies the root cause of discomfort. Her treatment isn’t limited to muscles, tendons, and ligaments—she also focuses on the brain’s neurology, ensuring a comprehensive approach to healing and movement.
The Challenge
The old website was build on a custom CMS platform where the client could not edit their website. The design was not cohesive with their brand and navigation through the site was challenging. Because of everything previously invested in the old site, they were stuck with a very tight budget.
The Outcome
A micro, one page site that currently provide a clear voice to the services provided and has the framework for future growth.
The Proof
“I got a new patient today who specifically picked me out because she resonated with my website. Pretty excited about that. She went to the other providers here in Seattle that do what I do. She said it seems too “transitional PT” and she liked what my website represented and thought we would be a good team! These are the exact clients I want.”~ Paige, owner