Coaching & Consulting

Coaching & ConsultingWhat is a website coach?

  • A Creative Idea to get you out of a slump on your website
  • A Guide in the world of Search Engines, Social Media & Internet Marketing
  • A Technical Boost when help is needed
  • An Answer to your geek questions

Do you need a website coach?

Your website is a living creature, ever growing and morphing with your business (or at least it should be). So you should always be in search of new concepts, ideas on how to be more effective.

  • A website coach can be a sounding board for ideas you have, or a creative pool for new ideas.

Without an active website marketing plan, a website is doomed for failure, or at best a flat line addition to your business that doesn’t help you make money.

  • A website coach can help you put together a website marketing plan that includes things you can do without paying the big bucks.
  • Social Media is here to stay. A website coach can help you keep up with it’s ever-changing face.

Every now & again, there are technical things that need explaining or a professional touch.

  • A website coach will add the professional touch to the technical issues that come up on your website.

Book Your 30-Minute Exploration Call!

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